Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Modern Management 5_EX

The leadership behavior adopted by Toyoda was a more participative leadership, as suggestions were taken from the employees regarding business operations.   These employees were involved in making organizational decisions.   Toyoda gave more importance to each and every department in its China division.   The managers of each and every deprtmetn have to report to an executive vice-president who made decisions.   It was not necessary to wait for corporate approval from the Toyota headquarters. This was a more of a kind of bottom-up management strategy.   It was a very positive leadership style as the lower level management are making important decisions about the department.   Hence, the performance and the effectiveness would be higher.   Considering the power-based leadership style, as the lower level management makes important decisions about the department, it could be considered as a democratic leadership style.   There is a fee flow of communication and flow of ideas from the lower level management.   The lower level management also participates in making important decisions. Inaba realized that the Toyota’s US unit was not making enough profit.   He felt that a bottom-up kind of decision making was required.   He then released profit and expense information to the sales personnel so that they could understand their financial performance better.   In order to make greater profits, the manager gave price cuts to the rental companies. This improved the sales of the company.   According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Leadership Continuum, the decision-making process was given greater freedom by the company and hence was subordinate-centered leadership.   The manager was gave the subordinates the problem asked them ways of solving the problem and providing certain boundaries within which the decision could be made. Gravis changed his organizational structure to suit the leadership style.   He began to shift the mangers and other staff to more appropriate situations.   He adopted a more task structure kind of leadership style, in which the objectives, the work to be performed and certain situational factors, are marked. Starbuck give a lot of importance to the employee values and beliefs which in turn give rise to attitudes.   Attitudes in turn give rise to behavior.   Starbuck is known for its employee who provides a comfortable atmosphere at their coffee shops.   The company adopts a very aggressive business policy of combining with local firms that do understand the local environment or market, and trains their manager in the company headquarters for about three months.   If he suspects that the managers do not posses the right values and beliefs, he would not collaborate with them. Herman Uscategui overheard one of the managers of a local firm make an uncomfortable racial remark.   He soon decided against working with that firm as he felt that the managers did not have an appropriate belief or values that could create a suitable attitude.   In turn the behavior of the managers would not be suitable for Starbuck to achieve its objectives. The Starbuck administration is trying to create a positive attitude and behavior of its employees by generating appropriate values and beliefs in its employees.   The company gives a lot of importance to values and beliefs.   It adopts good measures to protect the environment, conserve energy and recycle material.   It supports an internal fund to help the employees that are in need.   The employees can also provide feedback about certain management decisions.   They can also provide more information of any employee action that would be in conflict with values of the company. Reference: Cresto, S. C. and Cresto, S. T. (2006). Chapter 5: Influencing, Modern Management, (10th ed), New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, pp. 299-322.         

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dismissing A Worker For Misconduct

As an HRD Manager what steps you will initiate before dismissing a workman found guilty of misconduct where there is the presence of a strong employees union.Union or no union, any employee at any level within an organization, should not be spared for misconduct and appropriate action should be taken as per the organization’s policies and principles. Having said that the employee in question should be given ample scope, support and assistance to defend his or her case.Upon knowledge of such incidence with a worker, the HRD manager,1. Check with the file of the worker, the details of such as the date of association and other relevant information. 2. He has to check whether it’s a case of habitual misconduct or a gross misconduct. 3. In case of habitual misconduct he has to gather the information of the previous incidences, actions taken and remedial corrections on part of the worker, if any. 4. Habitual misconducts include late coming, absenteeism; taking frequent breaks etc. the worker and the supervisor should be sensitized on the gravity of the misconduct and corrective course suggested.5. In case of a grave misconduct, the worker should be called in and asked to give an explanation. 6. The case has to be briefed to him in detail and he should be asked to present his side of the story. 7. The HRD Manager has to ensure beforehand that all details regarding the case are with him and he is through them thoroughly before sitting with the worker. 8. After the worker has put his case, the manager has to come to a conclusion whether there is a case in the first place. When evidence of misconduct is apparent, he should seek whether the worker accepts the charges. 9. There could be three consequences:a. the worker accepts the charges b. the worker partially accepts the charges c. the worker still denies misconduct.10. When the worker has accepted having done misconduct, appropriate disciplinary action should be initiated as per the policies of the establ ishment. 11. The same needs to be intimated to the union.12. Any further interference on part of the union becomes wrong and chance are that no such interference will take place once the worker has agreed in writing of the misconduct. 13. When the worker has accepted only some of the charges, the HRD manager ahs to establish whether the charges accepted amount to any substantial punishment or not. 14. Show cause notice needs to be issued to the worker and appropriate action taken. Union should be intimated of the same.15. In case of non acceptance and partial acceptance to other than grave issues, a domestic inquiry should be initiated using a designated internal investigating officer. 16. When the report of the internal investigation substantiates the misconduct, the union needs to be informed and taken into confidence. 17. When there are chances of resistance from the union, the HRD manager should sit with the representative of union and win his confidence. One can use lines such as, â€Å"this time he has done this with the establishment, next time he may as well ruin the union reputation†.18. Post union’s confidence appropriate action should be taken. 19. In case of disagreement and incorrect interference and influence by the union, the case should be taken to a tribunal or labour court. 20. In the state of Tamil Nadu, a worker found guilty of misconduct should be given a Final Show Cause Notice, after the report of the internal inquiry. 21. Disciplinary action may, depending on the gravity of the issue, be warning, suspension for a maximum period of 4 days or dismissal. 22. When the worker in question is an office bearer of the union, the relevant provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act should be referred to and adhered.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale

Previously, the courts had only allowed awards of compound interest if the claimant could establish a property right (though this was later reversed in Samara Metals Ltd v IIRC[I]). Accordingly Westchester bank argued that when it paid over the money a re us Ting trust arose immediately, because the bank plainly did not intend to make a gift. Among t he arguments, counsel for the bank submitted that a resulting trust arose on all unjust enrichment claim s, which this was, given that the basis for the initial contract had failed.The council contended that on trade sectional trust law principles here could be no resulting trust (and therefore no property right, and comps undo interest) because the council's conscience could not be affected when it could not know (before the judgment in Hazel) that the contract was void. A resulting trust needed to be linked to a deemed intent Zion of the parties that money be held on trust, but there was none because the bank had intended t he money to pass under a valid swap agreement (even though it did not turn out that way).It followed t hat compound interest could only begin accruing from the later date of the council's conscience been g affected. On the 18 February 1 993, Hoboes J held the bank could recover the money because the council had been unjustly enriched at the bank's expense, and could recover compound I interest. Hazel v Hammerheads and Pelham LABEL] was considered and Sinclair v Brougham] was applied. On the 17 December 1993, the Court of Appeal, with Dillon U, Elegant LLC and Kennedy LLC, upheld the High Court, with Andrew Burrows acting for Collision LB, and Jonathan Assumption ICQ for Westchester.The council appealed. Judgment The House of Lords by a majority (Lord Brownstone's, Lord Slyly and Lord d Lloyd) held that Westchester bank could only recover its money with simple interest because e it only had a personal claim for recovery in a common law action of money had and received. But the e bank had no pro prietary equitable claim under a resulting trust. There was no resulting trust because t was necessary that the council's conscience had been affected when it received the money, by knoll edge that the transaction had been ultra fires and void.Consequently it was necessary that there would d be an â€Å"intention† that the money be held on trust, but this was not possible because nobody knew that the transaction would turn UT to be void until the House of Lords' decision in Hazel v Hammerheads and Pelham LB in 1991. [4] In his Lordship's view all resulting trusts (even those described by Meagerly a s â€Å"automatic† in Re Bandleader's Trusts (No depended on intention and were not connected with the law of unjust enrichment. It followed that no trust arose, and there was only a personal claim m for the money back.This meant, said the majority, that only simple interest, and not compound interest t was payable (a controversial decision that was overturned in Samara Meta ls Ltd v IIRC[6]). The two dissenting judges, Lord Goff and Lord Wolf, also thought that there would be no resulting trust of the money because if a proprietary claim were available, in other case s like this it would have an unfair impact on other creditors of an insolvent debtor, and similarly because it could potentially be unfair if assets could be traced.However, they would have held that compound d interest should be available on personal claims. Lord Goff, however, expressly did not enter into a discussion of the points about unjust enrichment that went beyond the scope of the present case. Lord d Wolf quoted De Havilland v Powerboat[7] where Lord Mansfield CA stated, â€Å"that though by the common law, book debts http://en. Kipped. Org/wick/ do not of course carry interest, it may be payable in consequence of the usage e of particular branches of trade; or of a special agreement†.There was no reason why compound intern SST should not be awarded if it was ordinary com mercial practice. Lord Goff gave his judgment first, agreeing that there was no resulting trust of r different reasons, but in dissent arguing that compound interest should be awarded on personal claim (2) A proprietary claim in restitution have already stated that restitution in these cases can be achieved by means off personal claim in restitution. The question has however arisen whether the Bank should also have the benefit of an equitable proprietary claim in the form of a resulting trust.The immediate reaction must be why should it? Take the present case. The parties have entered into commercial transaction. The transaction has, for technical reasons, been held to be void from the beginning. Each party is entitled to recover its money, with the result that the balance must be repaid. But why should the plaintiff Bank be given the additional benefits Lord Goff. Which flow from a proprietary claim, for example the benefit of achieving priority in the event of the defendant's inso lvency?After all, it has entered into a commercial transact Zion, and so taken the risk of the defendant's insolvency, just like the defendant's other car editors who have contracted with it, not to mention other creditors to whom the defendant t may be liable to pay damages in tort. Feel bound to say that I would not at first sight have thought that an equitable proprietary claim in the form of a trust should be made available to the Bank I n the present case, but for two things.The first is the decision of this House in Since air v Brougham [1 914] AC 398, which appears to provide authority that a resulting trust may ended arise in a case such as the present. The second is that on the authority sees there is an equitable jurisdiction to award the plaintiff compound interest in cases who ere the defendant is a trustee. It is the combination of those two factors which has pr vided the foundation for the principal arguments advanced on behalf of the Bank in sup port of its submission that it was entitled to an award of compound interest.Lord Goff considered points about compound interest, suggesting there as no particular reason why compound interest should not be awarded for persona I claims. He then continued on the issue of proprietary restitution†¦ In a most interesting and challenging paper published in Equity: Contemporary Y Legal Developments (1992 deed. Goldstein). Professor Birds has argued for a wider roll e for the resulting trust in the field of restitution, and specifically for its availability in ca sees of mistake and failure of consideration. His thesis is avowedly experimental, writ ten to test the temperature or the water.I feel bound to respond that the temperature o f the water must be regarded as decidedly cold: see. E. G. , Professor Burrows in [1995] RL R 15. And Mr.. W. J. Swaddling in (1996) 16 Legal Studies 133. In the first place, as Lord Brownstone's points out, to impose a resulting try just in such cases is inconsistent with t he traditional principles of trust law. For on re accept of the money by the payee it is to be presumed that (as in the present case) the Eden itty of the money is immediately lost by mixing with other assets of the payee, and at the at time the payee has no knowledge of the facts giving rise to the failure of consideration.By the time that those facts come to light, and the conscience of the payee may there ebb be affected, there will therefore be no identifiable fund to which a trust can attach h. But there re other difficulties. First, there is no general rule that the property in money paid under a void contract does not pass to the payee: and it is difficult to escape the con occlusion that, as a general rule, the beneficial interest to the money likewise passes to the p aye.This must certainly be the case where the consideration for the payment fails after the payment is made, as in cases of frustration or breach of contract: and there a appears to be no good reason why the sa me should not apply in cases where, as in the pres .NET case, the contract under which the payment is made is void ABA monition and the considerate on for the payment therefore fails at the time of payment. It is true that the doctrine of mistake might be invoked where the mistake is fundamental in the orthodox sense of that word.But that is not the position in the present case: moreover the mistake in the p resent case must be classified as a mistake of law which, as at the law at present stands, c rates its own special problems. No doubt that uncircumcised doctrine will fall to be race insider when an appropriate case occurs: but I cannot think that the present is such a case, since not only has the point not been argued but (as will appear) it is my opinion the t there is any event jurisdiction to award compound interest in the present case.For all of these reasons I conclude, in agreement with my noble and learned friend, that there e is no basis for holding that a resulting tru st arises in cases where money has been paid u ender a contract which is ultra fires and therefore void ABA monition. This conclusion has t he effect that all the practical problems which would flow from the imposition of a rest Ting trust in a case such as the present, in particular the imposition upon the recipient o f the normal duties of trustee, do not arise.The dramatic consequences which would occur re detailed by Professor Burrows in his article on ‘Swaps and the Friction between n Common Law and Equity' in [1995] RL 1 5, 27: the duty to account for profits accruing f room the trust property; the inability of the payee to rely upon the defense of change of position: the absence of any limitation period: and so on. Professor Burrows even goes so far as to conclude that the action for money had and received would be rendered otiose SE in such cases, and indeed in all cases where the payer seeks restitution of mistaken p aments.However, if no resulting trust arises, it al so follows that the payer in a case such h as the resent cannot achieve priority over the payee's general creditors in the even OTF his insolvency a conclusion which appears to me to be just. For all these reasons conclude that there is no basis for imposing a resulting trust in the present case, and I therefore reject the Bank's submission that it was here .NET title to proceed by way of an equitable proprietary claim. I need only add that, in area Chining that conclusion, I do not find it necessary to review the decision Of Colluding J. N C hash Manhattan Bank AN v Israelites Bank (London) Ltd [1 981] Chi 105. Lord Brotherliness's judgment, agreed with by the majority, followed. Was there a Trust? The Argument for the Bank in Outline The Bank submitted that, since the contract was void, title did not pass at the date of payment either at law or in equity. The legal title of the Bank was extinguish d as soon as the money was paid into the mixed account, whereupon the legal title be came me vested in the local authority.But, it was argued, this did not affect the equitable inter est., which remained vested in the Bank (â€Å"the retention of title point†). It was submitted t hat whenever the legal interest in property is vested in one person and the equity blew interest n another, the owner of the legal interest holds it on trust for the owner of the e equitable title: â€Å"the separation of the legal from the equitable interest necessarily import TTS a trust. † For this latter proposition (â€Å"the separation of title point†) the Bank, of course, relies on Sinclair v Brougham [1914] AC 598 and Chase Manhattan Bank [1981] Chi 105.The generality of these submissions was narrowed by submitting that the trust t which arose in this case was a resulting trust â€Å"not of an active character†: see per Vise count Holland L. C. In Sinclair v Brougham, at p. 421. This submission was reinforced , after implosion of the oral argument, by sen ding to your Lordships Professor Pete r Birds' paper Restitution and Resulting Trusts,† Goldstein, Equity: Contemporary Leg al Developments (1992). P. 335. Unfortunately your Lordships have not had the advantage of any submissions from the local authority on this paper, but an article by Wi Lima Swaddling â€Å"A new role for resulting trusts? 16 Legal Studies 133 puts forward c enter arguments which I have found persuasive. It is to be noted that the Bank did not found any argument on the basis that t he local authority was liable to repay either as a constructive trustee or under the in p reason liability of the wrongful recipient of the estate of a deceased person establish deed by In re Diploid [1 948] Chi. 465. Therefore do not further consider those points. The Breadth of the Submission Although the actual question in issue on the appeal is a narrow one, on the AR GU meets presented it is necessary to consider fundamental principles of trust law.

Analyze the content of TEN advertisements Research Paper

Analyze the content of TEN advertisements - Research Paper Example The paper "Analyze the content of TEN advertisements" analyzes ten articles. According to the theory, advertisements make people get addicted to unnecessary things and new habits. The second advertisement is that of Ford Mustang 2013. This advertisement lasts nearly 2 minutes and it appeared on television. In the advertisement, the new Ford Mustang 2013 runs down a beautiful street which is full of beautiful people. As the car moves, all people including children watch with admiration. In issues like that of Ford Mustang, one can apply the theory of Interractionism too. According to this theory, (as cited in Herman & Reynolds, 1994, p. 25) the advertisements create a virtual world of modern self. This helps create a new need to buy the new products. In the case of Ford Mustang 2013, the advertisement shows that people watch the new product with admiration. Thus, the viewer develops the feeling that getting that model is a necessary step to get admiration in society. Coca Cola adverti sement is the third one. It appeared on television and it lasts nearly two minutes. The advertisement starts when a young guy inserts a coin in the cola vending machine. The coin initiates a series of events inside the machine in which unnatural creatures fill cola in the bottle in an unnatural place and finally the bottle is handed over to the guy. Evidently the advertisement is capitalizing on the mystery regarding the preparation of coca cola. Admittedly, various rumors regarding the mystery of cola’s preparation can be a weakness. ... However, in the above stated ad of Coca Cola, one can see the art of capitalizing on the so called weakness. 4. Woman’s Horlicks is the third important advertisement. This advertisement is on print media. The advertisement shows a jar in the shape of a woman. The advertisement reads: â€Å"Your husband needs you, your children need you, your family needs you, your neighbors need you, your pets need you, your plants need you.† And the final statement goes: â€Å"And your health needs you.† Thereafter the advertisement contains extensive information about the nutrition content of the supplement. Here, it seems that one should think about the influence of sociological images to understand the importance of this advertisement. In the case of people, always ‘seeing is believing.’ That means through compelling images and statements, it is possible to develop the sociological imagination of people. A woman finds the advertisement of Horlicks something like a wake-up call. 5. The fifth advertisement is that of Nike. It appeared on print media. The advertisement shows a cheetah running at high speed. The cheetah has the trade mark of Nike on its belly. The heading of the advertisement reads: â€Å"What is the secret of this speed?† At the left bottom of the advertisement, it reads: â€Å"Ask the master.† And the right bottom of the advertisement shows the name of Nike and its trademark. The advertisement wants to compare Nike with the fastest animal on earth. In this case, the study by Lutz and Lutz (1977) seems useful. The study proves that interactive picture sequences have the power to enhance subsequent item recognition. When

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The use of Knowledge in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The use of Knowledge in Society - Essay Example Moreover, it is based on the misconstrued nature of economic problems of the society and uses predefined assumptions, ignoring the changing social phenomenon that is inherently linked to social construction of society. The economic order thus, developed cannot be applied in general as it would not be able to address the problems of the diverse society. But this is not the only issue discussed within the article which has explored wide spectrum of knowledge and how it can be best utilized for the betterment of the society. It emphasizes that the implicit knowledge that exists across the populace need to be retrieved and applied within the planning process to make it more realistic. The precepts and concepts of knowledge are distinct in their diversity and changing formats and become important tools for widening the scope of utilization of the existing resources. The expanding database of knowledge is testament to the changes that are witnessed within the developing societies. Indeed, the propagation and application of knowledge is symbolic of advancing society. The myriad resources as well as the means of acquisition of knowledge therefore emerge as the central issue within the article. It is true that there is no permanent solution to the economic problems of the society mainly because the constantly changing environment creates new challenges for the people. It has to be constant endeavour for anticipating changes and how they would impact society at large.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Trace the complex seemingly contradictory relationship between the Essay

Trace the complex seemingly contradictory relationship between the exotic 'newness' of primitivism and the urge to explore ethnic or national roots - Essay Example The canvas included portraits, still lifes, landscape, verve, nudes of spontaneity with rich textured surfaces, bold colors and lively linear patterns. The Fauves used startling contrasts of emerald green, vermilion, vivid orange and cerulean blue in bold strokes and sweeping brush strokes. Fauves desired to use both sides of Expressionism. Outward expression was expressed in the bold release of internal thoughts in wild color, brutal and powerful brushworks and the depiction of inward expression awakened the emotion of the viewers through the designs. There was no official organization of Fauve painters. The laxity of stylistic affinities and personal connections led the Fauve movement to disintegrate as soon as the art form emerged. The artists who followed Fauve principles departed from the idea and followed their own personal styles. The short tenure of Fauvism however made remarkable contribution to the art of painting by experimenting expressive, structural and aesthetic capabi lities. Henri Matisse was a prominent figure among the Fauve group.1 German Expressionism evolved from Fauvism and moved beyond the art in compelling, dramatic portrayal of people and scenes. Three main groups of German Expressionism were Die Brucke, Der Blaue Reiter and Die Neue Sachlichkeit. Der Blaue Reiter  or the Blue Rider group took shape in Munich which is home of avant-garde New Artist Association. The most famous artist of Der Blaue Reiter was Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc. Der Blaue Reiter was a loose association with artists like Paul Klee, August Macke and Gabriele Munter. The objective of the Blue Rider was to infuse art with spiritual values with the use of color. Blue riders mean vague. Marc instilled the idea that animal had innocence and so it is superior to human. The Blue Rider Expressions are mild forms which are seen in Cossacks by Kandinsky, Little Blue Horse and The Little Blue Horses by

Friday, July 26, 2019

Impact and Outcomes of Effectual Risk Based Planning Applications Essay

Impact and Outcomes of Effectual Risk Based Planning Applications - Essay Example Broad policy alternatives and a process of restructuring the existing practices have to be adopted in order to overcome the present impasse. I advocate a local level policy shift rather than a Federal level overhaul. Public administration consists of non-profit governmental institutions that form the bulk of a country’s administrative system. The process of planning at institutional level might require a cohesive and articulate strategy with a particular focus on existing inadequacies of the system. Non-profit public sector institutions operate on the principle of public welfare at the grassroots. However, there is an imbalance in these institutions when it comes to efficient management processes and institutional structures. Ill-defined targets often serve as hurdles that have to be surmounted even before the project is started. Project risk perception and management is another such area in which both leadership and intelligence are lacking. It is imperative to question the unprivileged immunity from public scrutiny that is almost taken for granted by local level administrators whose attitudes have, over the years, been conducive to producing negative outcomes in the sphere of public adm inistration. Causal factors include a host of fallacious assumptions too. Risk has a variety of meanings and senses that defy our articulation or assessment capabilities. Therefore in risk-based planning process there can be no perfection or certainty in determining a set of variables that impact on the planning process and the eventual outcomes. Both endogenous and exogenous variables impact on these outcomes, irrespective of our hypothetical presumptions on what shape those outcomes should take. Community or county level administration might seek to exert pressure on Federal bodies to facilitate legislation that cohort principles of public choice theory. For instance the Risk-Based Homeland Security Grants Act

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lundy Marine nature reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lundy Marine nature reserve - Essay Example In 1969 the divers discovered the existence of warm water marine species and the idea of a marine nature reserve came into being and was discussed. After this discussion, a stimulated interest in protecting the area grew and in 1971 Lundy Field Society proposed to establish a marine reserve. According to (1999) provision for the establishment of statutory Marine Nature Reserves was included in the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act. After public consultation, on 21st November 1986 the Secretary of State for Environment declared a statutory reserve at Lundy.The Management of Marine Nature Reserve was given to English Nature by â€Å"the statutory advisor to Government on nature conservation in England† (, 1999) i.e. the English Nature is responsible to look after the Marine Nature Reserve. Landmark Trust employed a Warden for funding who lease the island in association with the Devon Sea Fisheries Committee that regulates and manage fisheries in the area . Devon Sea Fisheries Committee and English Nature jointly proposed the first statutory No Take Zone which is a 3.3 square kilometre of sea on east side of the Lundy Marine Nature Reserve in the UK. According to this proposal of No Take Zone none of the marine life including lobsters, fish and crabs of the sea should be taken and if any one does he/she is punishable under Marine Life Act. The No Take Zone has received support from every quarter of life i.e. from local fishermen to Lundy management, Advisory Groups and Devon Sea Fisheries.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discussion Question 2 Week 1 Accounting Assignment

Discussion Question 2 Week 1 Accounting - Assignment Example Bookkeeping was explicitly defined as â€Å"the process of recording, in chronological order, the daily transactions of a business entity. It forms part of the accounting information system† (Miss CPA, 2011, par. 6). The accounting equation is actually defined as â€Å"An equation that reflects the two-sided nature of a business entity, assets on the one side and the sources of assets on the other side (assets = liabilities + owners’ equity)†¦ The accounting equation is the foundation for double-entry bookkeeping, which uses a scheme for recording changes in these basic types of accounts as either debits or credits such that the total of accounts with debit balances equals the total of accounts with credit balances. The accounting equation also serves as the framework for the statement of financial condition, or balance sheet, which is one of the three fundamental financial statements reported by a business† (Financial Terms, 2012). As such, the basic theoretical framework significantly impacts business decision making since it clearly pinpoints and accurately identifies the sources of changes in the different accounts of the organization. As such, understanding the concept of the accounting equation would facilitate determination of any evident deviation that significantly impacts current operation, and which were not according to the organization’s plans, thus, should be appropriately and immediately

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis of the sculpture of Leander by William Henry Rinehart Essay

Analysis of the sculpture of Leander by William Henry Rinehart - Essay Example His facial expression is peaceful but, at the same time, thoughtful and distracted. His head is not raised and, consequently, he does not look directly at the observer but gazes into the horizon. The purity, grace and proportion of the figure are greatly enhanced by the quality and color of the medium chosen to execute it: pure white marble. For the spectator, the main reaction after observation of the sculpture is probably one of awe and admiration for the technical skills and artistic proficiency of the author, who manages to capture with great expertise the perfection of the male human body. The work of art of choice is exquisite, a piece of extraordinary beauty. Looking at this sculpture immediately brings to mind the famous sculpture of David by Michelangelo, one of the best known works of art of the Renaissance, which Rinehart knew from his stay in Florence between 1855 and 1857. Rinehart, like Michelangelo with David, in his representation of Leander has provided the observer with a great illustration of the perfect male human form. One of the greatest differences between David and Leander makes itself evident when one looks at the two heroes in the face: while David shows fear, tension and aggression in his facial expression, Leander looks relaxed, pensive and meditative. The tension in David's face is believed to be due to the fact that he was about to confront Goliath in battle. Additionally, Leander's proportions are more realistic than David's, who exhibited an upper body and head that appeared slightly out of proportion. This is due to the fact that the sculpture, due to its monumental proportions, was designed to be admired from u nderneath. Leander is also less muscular and thus more realistic than David. Both heroes show a very similar posture. The body is lightly rested over one leg, the other is slightly flexed, which helps give the impression of movement or action. Rinehart repositioned Leander's left leg with respect David's, achieving a more open stance. With respect to their hands, David is holding a stone that he is about to throw, while Leander keeps a delicate hold of the cloth that covers his nudity. Leander, shown at the edge of the shore, is actually in the act of undressing himself ready to get in the water that can be seen at his feet. 3. Interpretation The sculpture of Leander is one of a pair that was produced to illustrate a tragic love story of the Greek mythology. Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite, and Leander were lovers residing in opposite sides of the Hellespont. Each evening Leander would swim across the strait in order to meet with his beloved Hero. Tragedy struck one stormy night, when the lighthouse he used as a guide failed and, as a consequence, he got lost and drowned. Overcome with grief, Hero decided to meet the same fate as her lover and threw herself into the sea [Greek Mythology Link]. Rinehart's work shows, on one shore, Leander undressing in preparation for his evening swim and, on the other shore, Hero in anxious wait for her lover with the guiding lamp right beside her. The waves that can be observed at the bases of both sculptures represent the waters of the strait [The Magazine Antiques]. It is worth noting that,

Lorenzo The Magnificent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lorenzo The Magnificent - Research Paper Example I believe this to be a possibility because of the many works of art, sculpture and architecture that are being made during this period. Much of this beauty only exists because it was commissioned by the wealthy ruling families of Italy. People such as myself, Lorenzo Medici, commission artwork not only to promote culture and the arts in my city, but also to show off the material wealth my family commands. The types of works I commission demonstrate the recent advancements that have taken place in architecture and art as well as convey a sense of the impression I wish to make upon my neighbors and associates. Having been raised in a family already strongly committed to the arts, I hope to one day be remembered as one of art’s finest patrons but remain somewhat fearful that it is other areas of my life history will focus upon. The physical world I knew while growing up went a long way toward fostering my love of the arts, but it also helped shape my personality in other ways. In our Florentine society, it is necessary for princes who can afford it to build huge residential palaces, villas, fortresses, governmental buildings, churches and convents that we can then fill with statuary, paintings, sculptures, brilliantly performed original pieces of music and other fine works of art. This is how we demonstrate our status in our very class-conscious society. â€Å"Art historians bury the why – and hence the sociology – by their excessive emphasis on questions of form and style. Most of the great building projects of the Italian Renaissance †¦ had behind them the urge to exhibit now: to exhibit an identity, to show the power or piety of the man and his family dynasty, and to carve out a space in the city that would belong to that name, that individual and dynasty, for all times† (Marti nes, 1979: 236). These sentiments applied equally to other commissioned works of art as well. At three stories tall, the family’s Medici Palace in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Harry Potter And The Order Of the Phoenix Essay Example for Free

Harry Potter And The Order Of the Phoenix Essay J. K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books series that began with the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone while Warner Bros. owns the rights to produce the movies based upon the book series. The latest outing of the movie version of the book series is the adventure filled â€Å"Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix†, movie number 5 of a 7 series film outing. Released in the year 2007, the CGI heavy film stars Daniel Radcliffe in the titular role together with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint portraying the highly important support characters of Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley respectively. The now more light colored movie setting, when compared to the previous directorial jobs of Chris Colombus and Alfonso Cuaron, was imagined and crafted by the imagination of first time Harry Potter director David Yates. In order to be able to follow the story as it unfolds throughout the movie, one must be an avid Harry Potter book or movie follower for the storyline of the movie is not for the uninitiated and will leave any viewer without a background in the story series feeling frustrated and left out of some of the seemingly inside jokes being thrown around in the movie (e. g.  Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger? ) The film picks up the story from where the prior movie, â€Å"Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire† left off. Harry is coming to terms with the death of Cedric Diggory at the end of the previous movie while also trying to figure out who he really is as a person. Is he a bad person trying to be good or, as his Godfather Sirius Black told him â€Å"just a good person to whom bad things happen? † All of his personal doubts make him choose isolate himself from even his closest friends because of the way most of the school views him as a liar. As a character, Harry develops like any normal teenage boy. He dabbles in the typical first love, first kiss, and often rebellious streak that his main nemesis, Lord Voldemort, portrayed in the film by the superb British actor Ralphe Fiennes, often takes advantage of. I observed this particular movie to be, in a a way, the coming of age for the students of Hogwart’s School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although the screenplay writer Michael Goldenberg took tremendous amounts of liberties in the retelling of the book, the main plot and lessons from the book still managed to translate well to the big screen. After all, it is no joke trying to translate an 870 page book to the big screen with a running time of almost 3 hours. Die hard fans of the book will probably scream â€Å"Sacrilege! † at the way certain key elements that were perceived in the book, such as the magic mirror Sirius gave to Harry on Christmas Day, or the jinxed DA coins that Hermione gave to the member of their little organization in order to prevent the members from telling about what they were up to in the Room Of Requirement. But I guess that one will realize that all the key elements were retained within in one way or another. The fans will also most likely not appreciate the way certain duties in the book seemed to have gotten reassigned in the movie. For example, in the book, it was a member of the DA who told Prof. Umbridge about where their organization meets, not Cho Chang. What did help the story to move along quite well on film is the total cutting out of the minor subplots in the book that really had no place in the movie version. The real magic of the Harry Potter movie series seems to lie in the way that author J. K.  Rowling has managed to write a book series that mirrors the problems facing teenagers in such a way that the readers and the movie viewers who grew up with the story will be experiencing the same things almost simultaneously in real life. The movie has real lessons to teach, such as standing up and fighting for what one believes in, believing in yourself and accepting the consequences of your actions, and finally, knowing that there is always an easier way out of things but that may not always be the right path to take.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ethical Issues In Information System Information Technology Essay

Ethical Issues In Information System Information Technology Essay My topic on this essay is about E-Learning sites the social, professional, and ethical issues in eLearning sites. This topic is a very wide one as there are various eLearning websites like, Blackboard,,,, Oasis plus, e.t.c. I will be choosing Oasis plus as my case study because I have use it and Ive seen out it works. First of all, as the world is becoming a global world day by day most University all over the world today revolves around the Internet. This consists of online studying or eLearning services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other means like using the CD-ROM and other electronic means to read instead of printed books. This brought about the name eLearning. The spread of high speed Internet among communities and the proliferation of eLearning among people create both opportunities and challenges for Websites. On one hand, eLearning may reduce many of disadvantages associated with an isolated locati on by decreasing distance, communication, and information cost and increasing access to lower cost suppliers and services. For example Oasis plus, This is an eLearning site which Middlesex university uses, where both student and staffs or lecturers of Middlesex university can access the site from any part of the world either at home or offices at any given time to get latest and updated information regarding their studies and academic status all they needed to access the site is the access to the internet web browser, it is very interactive that student can read or download their lecture slides online as well as getting updated information about their course work, assignment, result status, submission of assignment, online assessment e.t.c from any part of the world with just a click of a mouse and they can as well chat with their fellow students and lecturer online with just a click of a mouse on who is online link to interact and get updated information regarding their lectures or assignments submission e.t.c E-LEARNING Sites: e-Learning sites are sites with strategic means of education, that focuses on technology within an educational institute that is willing to adopt it however it is not only e-learning sites that requires technological innovation it is for business need as well, this is a strategic mode of learning or studying that can be achieved by using electronic delivery methods such as internet-based learning delivery packages, online video conferencing, websites or email to Administer the connections between teacher and students. It can also be any virtual act or procedure that people uses to secure information skills and knowledge via the internet. Advantages of e-learning sites: It decreases travel cost and time since you can access it from any where you are students will have the option to select their learning materials that meets their level of learning and interest Learners or students can study wherever they have access to Internet Flexibility to join discussions in the bulletin board threaded discussion areas at any hour. improvement of computer and Internet skills that are transferable to other facets of learners lives Disadvantages of e-learning sites: Lack of familiar structure and routine Unreliable Internet connections can be frustrating Some courses such as traditional hands-on courses can be difficult to simulate Unmotivated learners or those with poor study habits may fall behind. Ethical, Legal, Social and professional issues on e-Learning sites Ethically issues on e-learning sites: the ethical issues on e-learning sites mostly start from improper usage of this influential resource known as Internet. It is not difficult to cheat on the internet than vis a vis. Students either studying in a university or enroll on an online program can easily acquire fraudulent knowledge or information and use it for their coursework, projects, and Assignments. Therefore it is very important that the software developer for eLearning sites is cautious design and managed with adequate checks and balances to minimize unethical practices by which student can cheat. This ethical issues can be resolved if the e-learning site software developer pay attention to the design of the e-learning site software. Legal issues on e-learning sites: There are various legal issues surrounding the use of e-learning sites in studying which we all need to be aware of, The most difficult (and often overlapping) legal issues are found in the areas of copyright, data protection and licensing. Copyright: There is an understanding of fair use (unless specified otherwise) that allows reasonable use of materials for private study. Making multiple copies of resources without the express permission of the copyright owner, or a copyright statement acknowledging this as a fair use, is not acceptable. Data protection: The website of the Information Commissioners Office ( quotes eight principles of data protection that apply to all those processing and holding personal data. Personal data encompasses both facts and opinions about an individual, and the Data Protection Act applies to any personal information held in a structured filing system. Data must be: fairly and lawfully processed, processed for limited purposes, adequate, relevant and not excessive, accurate, not kept longer than necessary, processed in accordance with the data subjects rights secure, and not transferred to countries without adequate protection. Licensing: The license is the legal statement of how one can use an e-learning sites copyrighted material. In an educational setting, the license will usually state the number of machines a piece of purchased software may be used on. Normally, educational establishments will need a site license, a multi-user license or many copies of single-user licenses. Software and other resources must be used within the terms of the license. Social issues on e-Learning sites: To identify the social issues in development of an e-learning application in an educational institution, I will briefly legalize the introduction of the field of computer ethics as related to social issues. Storage of data: The ease with which data are saved makes the use of surveillance, monitoring and spyware methods really easy from the technical point of view. Unpredictability of identity: Present day vague identities make possible stealing other persons identity, forging of a message, or sending a message anonymously like spam for example. There is an ongoing ethical debate about the pros and cons of anonymity. When faced with social problems, a professional should be able to make rational and well-concluded choice that will extinguish the social factors that tend to repudiate the standards set by the education institution. Professional Issues on e-learning sites Designing e-learning environments for quality professional education is a challenge for education designers, as the continuing practice of simply moving courses online can be surprisingly disabling. We argue that as universities strive to educate for excellence in professional practice, design approaches for the e-learning components must be conceptualized in a broader view of a contemporary learning environment involving integrated virtual and physical dimensions. These are comprehensively considered in an integrated way to facilitate learning experiences providing an emphasis on grounded practice. The design of our interface and authoring system is influenced in part by the structure of the e-Learning content. Recommendation or things that should be put in mind when developing e-learning sites: I want to sketch out some best practices strategies for the eLearning. These strategies are not new. Most of these strategies are being used in some form in many colleges and universities it is use on oasis plus as well, I have compiled a list of what strategies can be implemented within the framework of given software. I myself have pass through some of this strategies when written my online assessment on Oasis plus. The following ways are means to tackle the issues of cheating, plagiarism, and copyright violation within the framework of an eLearning software like oasis plus. They can help to reduce or preventing the issue of cheating, plagiarism and copyright violations. Make online test available for just few days or a day that it would be taken Limit the time on the test Once chosen answer should not be revisit again Set deferent questions for each student to avoid leakage of answers Make student participate in an online discussion group Give a short quiz during online session Students should be requested to turn their project in for plagiarism check Conclusion: E-Learning site software content and Internet applications have change mode of teaching and learning and have also make new issues around ethics and accountability. The extremity consequence of the eLearning sites has made both advocates and detractors. Some experts say that the successful utilization of eLearning programs appears to hinge primarily on the trust and honesty of the targeted remote learners. But while creating engaging software, program or content, the honesty and integrity of the students is not necessarily a major consideration. Therefore like in any university traditional programs, the accuracy, right components, controls, activities and evaluation techniques have also become critical issues for eLearning sites. Therefore besides focusing on the look and fill of the e-learning site, close attention should be paid to the design, quality of content, delivery practices and management of eLearning sites.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fire Fighting Technology Essay -- Technology Technological Essays

Fire Fighting Technology Innovations in Communication Technology This 80,000 pound powerhouse was just purchased by the Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association. Equipped with a 100-foot aerial and a 2000 gallon per minute (gpm) Hale single stage pump, Tower 14 can knock down just about any fire. "The first five minutes after the first fire apparatus arrives on scene at a large-scale fire are coordinated chaos." Joe Lombardo of the Garden City Fire Department made it a point during fire school to emphasize that a good firefighter will always maintain a clear head even in the most harrowing of circumstances. This task may be difficult in situations where an enormous amount of information must be transmitted to effectively fight the fire. Recent innovations in fire scene communication technology have allowed for more information to be transferred to the appropriate firefighters before and during the initial attack. The following outline some of the more important innovations to fire communication technology: Communications between Incident Command and Firefighters on scene: Digital technology is rapidly becoming integrated into fireground operations because, in general, voice clarity is much better than conventional radio, because it is easier to encrypt than analog. Mary Jane Dittmar, of Fire Engineering magazine, describes the technologies as working by "converting a voice into binary information and then compressing it. Through modulation and encoding formats, the analog information is converted to digital data, compressed, and then converted back again, while still maintaining acceptable levels of voice quality. Digital technology is clearer and easier to understand than analog technology because background ... units. All this information is now immedeately available to the first out engine so that the incident commander can come up with a plan of attack before even assessing the scene first hand. As such, the coordinated chaos may very well be sorted out before the apparatus even arrives on scene. Works Cited: Anderson, Leif. Using Technology to Manage the Information Overflow. "Fire Engineering." May 2002. Bachman, Eric. Pre-Incident Size Up: An Important Response Tool."Fire Engineering." April 2002. Cobb, Ralph. Benefiting from Military Technology. "Fire Engineering." May 2002. Dittmar, Mary Jane. Fireground Communications: Strategies for Meeting Today's Challenges. "Fire Engineering." May 2002. Hawkins, Clayton. A Model to Improve Emergency Management. "Fire Engineering." April 2002. (visited December 15, 2002)

Behavior Problems in Schools Due to Lack of Discipline Essay -- Educat

Parents and students seldom dispute the disciplinary actions of school authorities up until the late 1960s. Schools are a place considered to provide instruction, instill good value, and inspire the morals of our nation (Arum 60). The courts decided that it was important to give teachers and school administrators’ authority over student behavior. The authority initiated from the English common law concept of in loco parentis which means in place of the parent. This law allowed parents to give school personnel a given amount of control over their children when they place their children in school (Yell 8). This gave administrators and teachers the ability to guide, correct, and discipline in an orderly and effective learning environment while maintaining practical control of students as they do their job teaching. Loco parentis implies that teachers and administrators have a responsibility to see that school order is maintained by requiring students to obey reasonable rules and commands, ensure others rights are respected, and conduct themselves in a safe and orderly manner while at school (Yell 8). Students are supposed to know what behaviors are acceptable or forbidden. They need to be accountable if they refuse to comply with reasonable school rules by behaving in prohibited ways. Holding the students accountable, means the violators will be subject to disciplinary measures or consequences. As students civil rights revolution evolved, and the increase of these rights emerged, parents and students, began to question, undermine, and challenge school disciplinary practices in court with the help of lawyers in the public’s interest. The timeframe for drastic school discipline changes began around 1969. The Supreme Court ruled how... ..., Barry A. "School Discipline: â€Å"Is There a Crisis in Our Schools?" Australian Journal of Social Issues 35.1 (2000): 73-86. EBSCO MegaFILE. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. Jackson, Toby. "Getting Serious About School Discipline." Public Interest 133 (1998): 68+. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. Jost, Kenneth. "Student Rights." CQ Researcher 19.21 (2009): 501-524. CQ Researcher. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Wintour, Patrick, and Nicholas Watt. "Gove promises to end 'no touch' rules for teachers: Government's 'new deal' in the classroom on eve of Tory conference.† The Guardian. 2 Oct. 2010. ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. Yell, Mitchell L., and Michael E. Rozalski. "The Impact of Legislation and Litigation on Discipline and Student Behavior in the Classroom." Preventing School Failure 52.3 (2008): 7-16. EBSCO MegaFILE. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Introduction Participation in sports for children and youth is ever growing and there have been many benefits associated with it, including self-confidence and self-esteem, social and life skills development and improving mental and physical health. (Allender et al., 2006; Coplan & Findlay 2008; Donaldson and Ronan, 2006) Apart from these benefits, advocates of sport participation believe that sports provide the appropriate context for social and life development skills, which brings about the idea of character development through sports participation. (Weiss, Smith, & Stuntz, 2008). Life skills as suggested by The World Health Organization (1999), play a very important role in the healthy development of adolescents, as it helps prepare them for their future. The use of sports to help with such development is further supported by sport psychologists whom have argued that life skills can be taught in combination with athletic skills in sport contexts (Danish & Nellen, 1997). Sports has been thought to be a platform whereby children and youth are able to learn and cooperate with their teammates, develop self-control, display courage and leadership, communicate and form solutions to internal or external group conflicts and the learning of good virtues such as teamwork, fairness and good work ethics. (Shields & Bredemeier, 1995; Weiss & Bredemeier, 1990). Many parents therefore encourage and enroll their children into sports in hope that they will be able to learn and pick up these positive character-related values and behaviour. On the other hand, there have been other studies to argue the fact that sports instead of developing character, it undermines character. (Bredemeier, 1985, 1994; Bredemeier, Weiss, Shields, & Shewchuk, 198... ...certain behaviours which they interpret as being able to gain praises from their coach. As such, the way in which coaches verbalise, comment and teach the rules of the game to their players, will ultimately determine the way in which the players will interpret and act upon the rules during game play. (Bar et al., 1989) With the increasing number of primary school students taking part in sports, sport can present itself as a great platform for character development; but the positive outcomes are not always guaranteed. A coach who is able to capitalise on this invaluable and unique platform to inculcate good values is essential in order to ensure positive character development outcomes. This study aimed to describe and analyse a successful primary school netball coach's experiences, strategies and the desired outcomes for athletes as a function of her coaching.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Economic/Social transitions in literature Essay

The great plays staged in London and its more modern counterpart, the films, that are accessible to all, depict the social issues, biases and struggles of not only the characters in the plays or the films, but also the society of that time. As for instance, the acquisition of wealth as a social activity, which is very primitive to man, as primitive as his quest to survive, has been portrayed in varying degrees of need, as if so urgent. The problem arises when one realizes that the quest is not a solo act. There are still other members of the society one belongs to and interacts with, who seek wealth in their own ways. Since man made discoveries of and developed the tools or things he could use for purposes that serve him, benefit him, and enrich him, man became a part of the race for the survival of the fittest. Self-interest is his order of the day that, by hook or crook, he has to engage in activities that will earn for him his status, prestige, monetary rewards, properties and other ‘successes’ or things he finds worthy of his taste. The means by which such ‘rewards’ are achieved are just an afterthought, and most of the time, immaterial to him. The beginning of the 16th century marked the trend towards Industrial Revolution in England and writers have recorded in their manuscripts the daily ordeals their society faced, literally and figuratively. In Christopher Marlowe’s â€Å"The Jew of Malta† as in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†, it is evident that religious differences or conflicts are present and the Jews figured greatly in these conflicts. They are despised by the locals – Maltese and Venetians alike. They are spat on and called by other names for the Jews are easily identified by the red wigs they are required to wear at all times. Shakespeare echoes the thoughts and social issues regarding the Jews of their time. Sentiments against the Jews are present in both plays although it still remains debatable if Marlowe or Shakespeare were anti-Semitics. The term anti-Semitism came about in 1879, but anti-Jewish agitation was already present for thousands of years. Even during the ancient Roman Empire, the Jews were already discriminated upon politically for their religion and special forms of worship. Discrimination was also used as a ground against the Jews from obtaining Roman citizenship. As they were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ during his time, they have been considered a race with a bad reputation. As the gospel of Christ spread from Jerusalem to surrounding Gentile lands to as far as the western hemisphere and brought about the eventual domination of Christianity, Jews had been the object of universal and systematic hatred where religion is concerned (â€Å"Anti-Semitism†, 2009). Equally disdainful are the Jews’ regard to the Christians’ religious hypocrisy. Both plays present the utter hypocrisy of Christians who are superficially devout but are inwardly rotten as Barabbas’s slave, Ithamore. The materialistic friars Jacomo and Bernardine, leaders of Christianity from different orders in a certain locality, are keener at the wealth of Barabbas than of the heavenly riches they preach. Evidently, social structure is at play. An invisible social structure somehow manipulates important social systems that includes the manner society conducts its trade, or handles and interprets its laws, its political affairs, its cultural norms and other areas. All institutions of human affairs are considered social structures, including family, religion, law, economy and class and all these are under a larger and more encompassing chunk called â€Å"social system† (Lopez and Scott, 2000). Marlowe’s portrayal of Barabbas, closely resembling the murderous Barabbas who was freed during the time of Christ, also performed a killing spree he masterminded. There was no telling at the end, though, of the motivations that drove him to such state, especially after he has regained his wealth after streaks of political deceptions. Poor men marrying wealthy women as a form of emancipation from their present state seems acceptable. In â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†, Bassanio’s urgent love for Portia is ambiguous that he even tells Antonio to consider the arrangement an investment. In â€Å"The Jew of Malta†, Barabbas dislikes the Christian men courting his daughter for he does not want any of them sharing the wealth he stored up for her. Men and women are used to cross-dressing. On the very stage where Shakespeare’s plays are performed, no women are allowed to take part. So men in women’s roles cross-dress. Quite intriguing also is the love of Antonio for Bassanio that he was willing to shed off a pound of flesh to prove his great love for his friend. â€Å"The Shoemaker’s Holiday†, Thomas Dekker’s comical play, was staged around the time the fame of Shakespearean plays were a hit in London and it also echoes the type of social structure where men of stature cannot marry women of lesser stature as the characters of Rowland Lacy and Rose Oteley depict. There was prejudice among the lower class and vice versa but for true lovers, social classes do not matter. The working class, as in this case, the shoemakers, are at the forefront and where one of them by deception and sheer luck makes it to become Lord Mayor Simon Eyre. According to Lopez and Scott (2000), distinctive between institutional structure and relational structure are some patterns that exist within each structure. They stated that â€Å"social structure is seen as comprising those cultural or normative patterns that define the expectations of agents hold about each other’s behavior and that organize their enduring relations with each other† (Lopez and Scott, 2000, p. 3). They contrasted it as such, â€Å"social structure is seen as comprising the relationships themselves, understood as patterns of causal interconnection and interdependence among agents and their actions, as well as the positions that they occupy† (Lopez and Scott, 2000, p. 3). Both in the former merchant plays of Marlowe and Shakespeare, deception has always been present in the situations, whether for good intentions or to inflict harm. However, Dekker’s play is more idealistic than it is a real depiction of the working class and the government of his time, for unlike Shakespeare, Dekker did not have the same privilege Shakespeare enjoyed. Meanwhile, Charles Dickens’ â€Å"A Christmas Carol† portrays the now evident gap between the rich and the poor in 18th century England and the deeper problems the gap brought in with it ? poverty and social injustice. As Dickens’ play tackles serious issues present in society during his time that no one but Ebenezer Scrooge can greatly personify, it is unmistakable that Dickens was calling on his fellowmen to take a closer look at the plight of the others who were not as fortunate. Dickens asks, in effect, that his fellow Englishmen understand and act on the dilemma facing those displaced and eventually sent to poverty by the dark age of the Industrial Revolution (Dickens, 2003). The Scrooge’s utter disregard towards everything but money makes him the monster that will invoke doom for all. If from the earlier merchant plays, self-interest seems like the rule-of-thumb, in â€Å"A Christmas Carol† the call for selflessness points out that social responsibility does not end when taxes are filed. The story has become one of Dickens’ best and one of four other Christmas books he had published. In fast-paced New York, the 80s â€Å"Wall Street† film by Oliver Stone (1987) revolves around the ruthless corporate character Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas. This film depicts human nature back to its fullest and is personified by greed and corrupt morals. The film deals with the basic craving for wealth and power, getting things done at all cost in no time. Honesty and simplicity have no place; if someone has to go up the ladder of success quickly be greedy. Gekko’s portrayal of the â€Å"Greed is good† speech came from complaints that management owns little of its stock while it supports too many vice presidents, an allusion to real-life speeches and comments signified by Carl Icahn, known as the shrewdest investor in the planet, regarding companies he tried to take over. Also, the defense of greed came from a paraphrased commencement address on May 18, 1986 at the UC Berkeley’s School of Business Administration, delivered by Ivan Boesky, now a Wall Street incognito as he was found guilty of insider-trading. In his address he said that greed is just all right, healthy and still feels good about it. The â€Å"Greed is Good† line may also be adverted Adam Smith, the leading expositor of economic thought on his conclusion about human nature. Smith believed â€Å"rational self-interest in a free-market economy leads to economic well-being. † Smith wrote in his â€Å"Theory of Moral Sentiments† that no matter how selfish a man may be, there is in his nature that will always interest him in the fortune of others and render their happiness necessary to him though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it. His view on self-interest is benign and denies that self-love can be virtuous in any degree and that charity, though virtuous, cannot in any way provide the essentials of living by itself. â€Å"Wall Street† mirrors a society so laid-back it has to time for hard work and doing work well; a society that got used to getting big bucks quickly (Stone, 2003). Another New York-based film, â€Å"Working Girl† (Wade, 1988), directed by Mike Nichols shows how Tess McGill, a character played by Melanie Griffith, decides to climb up the ladder of success, out of the secretarial pool she has been in for so long. Despite her resourcefulness, hard work, and degree earned from college, she stands no chance as she lacks the prestige of acquiring a degree from a prestigious school. Intelligent as she is, it is her boss who sucks out good ideas from her. A person’s social position within the social hierarchy in a society indicates a set of people’s opinion of their own place or position in society; and these are very subjective, depending on who a person talks to or who a person associates himself/herself with. Kristina Lindemann (2000) adds that education, occupation, and income are also related to the subjective social position where a person’s environment provides great impact on how an individual sees himself in the context of social hierarchy in society or one’s objective characteristics. Lindemann (2000) further divides these characteristics into ascribed and achieved characteristics. Ascribed characteristics are innate as age, gender and ethnicity while achieved characteristics are acquired or learned as education, occupation or income. While studies show that acquired characteristics are relevant to how one sees himself positioned in the hierarchy, some theorists do not believe so (Lindermann, 2000). The environment McGill works in is too competitive where everyone keeps a watchful eye as to whose idea works and whose idea will push one higher. Reaching the top then has to be done with cutting-edge guts. Out-witting her boss in presenting what is her own original idea for the company, she has to deceive their company’s major client. Other moral issues may also come into play as, to be able to advance notches higher in the corporate world, one has to have to sleep with who is in charge, one has to be mindful of what his colleagues are up to, which may be translated to office politics. REFERENCES Anti-Semitism (2009). Retrieved August 3, 2009 from http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761574855/Anti-Semitism. html Lopez, J. and J. Scott (2000), Social Structure, Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press. Murdock, G. (1949). Social Structure. New York: MacMillan. Dickens, C. (2003). A Christmas Carol. Grand Rapids: Saddleback. Stone, O. (Writer) (1987). Wall Street. USA: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation Wade, K. (Writer) (1988). Working Girls. USA: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation Vitt, L. A. (2007). Class. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Retrieved August 3, 2009, from http://www. blackwellreference. com. libproxy. lib. unc. edu/subscriber/tocnode? id=g9781405124331_chunk_g97814051243319_ss1-49 Lindemann, K. (2007). The Impact of Objective Characteristics on Subjective Social Position. Trames, 11, 54-68.

Criminal Record Does Matter

A Criminal character Does Matter April 11, 2013 Sociology 381 In the hold, Mark of a Criminal Record by Devah beeper, the heart that a deplorable spirit has on b want and black-and-blue males is examined. Pagers goal is to resolving whether and to what extent employers use felon business relationship, whether die hard plays a subprogram in hiring, and whether in that respect be diametric results for black appliers than for white applicants when applying for a assembly line. In order to abide this explore Pager uses Audit Methodology. The fundamental design of this mull was to create quaternity dissimilar borrows for four different concourse (testers). to severally unrivaled tester was an articulate college student who took on iodine of two roles when applying for a p arntage an ex convict or mortal with no miserable history. Each resume had the self same(prenominal) train of qualifications for direction and trade experience. The two black testers we re paired unitedly and the two white testers were paired together. Each tester had iodin resume and the yet difference between the resumes within each group was that one had served prison quantify for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.The prototypal verifiable of the study was to honor f both told show up whether and to what extent employers use information astir(predicate) abominable history in fashioning hiring decisions. This was all important(predicate) because in the sample interpreted by Pager (2003), 27% of employers say they would carry through c everywhereing fireground checks on all applicants. However, the actual cast was most in all probability higher because employers were not required to portend whether or not they intended to perform spineground checks (Pager, 2003, p. 953). And although not all employers very do this, it still implied that, to some(a) degree, a vile history volition bear upon bloodline opportunities. integrity criticism to this type of research was that employers use other characteristics to determine whether or not the applicant will be hired and not the execrable write down. This says that the same characteristics that stick a someone remediate to villainy happen to overlap with characteristics that make a person an undesirable employee. This objective and study was intentional to find come place how true that is. It has been found that a condemnable record plays a significant role during the hiring process. A woeful record rock-bottom the likeliness of a call back by 50%. 4% of whites without a bend record received a callback comp ard to 17% of whites with a criminal accent. For one tedious origin operation for a trucking service, one applicant was told that the job had been filled after the employer reviewed the coat. withstand in mind, though, that the applicant had to check with the supervisory program several different propagation during the application process in order to despatch the application. The second objective was to find out the extent to which race continues to serve as a major barrier to recitation.This is important because racial inequality is a habitual issue that has been heavily debated in regards to job opportunities. African Americans fetch start evaluate of employment compared to whites. There is disagreement over the cause of these discriminations. This method of testing is designed to address this question. Recent studies start out doubted the vastness of race when it comes to the job hiring process. Some fresh arguments have affirmd that other factors such(prenominal)(prenominal) as spatial location, soft skills, tender capital, and cognitive ability are to unholy rather than race.This study compares equally certified black and white applicants who apply for the same job and the frequency each one received call backs. One impress finding is that out of the black applicants without criminal records, only 14% were called back compared to 34% of white applicants without criminal history. What really makes the results of this canvas so surprising is that whites with criminal backgrounds were called back to a greater extent than than blacks without a criminal background at 17% of the magazine.Blacks with criminal history were only a undersized little likely to be called back than their noncriminal counter subtracts at 14% of the time. The third objective is to tax whether the effect of a criminal record differs for black and white applicants. This is important because criminal history can affect job opportunities and whitethorn point be much(prenominal) than troublesome depending on the race of the applicant. effects of criminal records for blacks and whites can be however much detrimental in times of economic hardships.One employer for a janitorial service state that the company had been extremely short staffed and had to interview virtually every applicant. Now with job scarcity, however the most entry level jobs are able to be more selective about whom they employ. It is important to signalize the possible racial differences in the effects of incarceration. Current literature on racial stereotypes says that stereotypes are most likely to be activated and reinforced when a bespeak matches on more than one belongings of the stereotype (Pager, 2003, p. 45). This whitethorn make employers, who already have preconceived notions, til now more wary with proven past criminal behavior. The results of the study showed that the effect of a criminal record is more pronounced and impacting blacks 40% more than whites. On three recount occasions black testers were asked if they had criminal backgrounds out front they submitted their applications. I had a lot of different reactions to this article. Before I read the article I had a couple different assumptions that were correct.For example, I already figured that a criminal record would affect hazard fo r hire and that it would have a big impact for blacks than for whites. I was, however, surprised to realize that whites with a criminal history were more often called back than blacks with a idle history. I did not know that in that location was still such discrimination with the workplace. I was more disturbed by how much a criminal record bear on overall employment rather than by how much race played a role. One finding that really fazed me was that there are no limitations as to how far back an employer can go when performing a background check.Employers may potentially reject an applicant because of a crime committed many old age prior or even during adolescents and tally to Kurlychek (2007), individuals who have juvenile or other(a) adult records have a lower chance of recidivism. With todays technology it is even easier to entrance money this information, making it more likely that an employer will look at the background, making the gull of a criminal record even mor e problematic. Employers are allowed to deny employment if the offense directly relates to the job.This is vague and the lack of regulation and accountability on the employers ploughshare makes it easy for them to dismiss an applicant and hip-hop it on other defects of character or qualification even though these defects may be completely erroneous. Another transgress of the results that is floor is that these testers are articulate college students, and even though they took on criminal personas, are still not being selected. During the study the testers were the best possible scenario ex convicts, heart that each one had some college education and his own transportation.Each applicant put take in his parole officers name and had other references. in truth rarely did the employer contact any of the references. To me, this gist that regardless of how well presented a person is or even if he/she has credible references that are able to atone for his/her character and reliabil ity, a criminal record may destroy any chance a person has for a particular job. One important part of Pagers study is that the testers were undetermined and upfront about their criminal background.The part of this which stuck out in my mind was even if the job application did not orison criminal information, it was still give a bearingn. And according to Pager (2003), this reflects real life situations, as it is sour that most employers will eventually find out with that being said, these people are being openly sayled as ex convicts. Labels serve as cues to how others act to an individual and have even been formalised into law so that people who have criminal records face civil disenfranchisement (Kurlychek, 2007, p. 67).Another persuasion of this I found incredibly shocking is that people labeled deviant suffered more setbacks in search of employment than did culpable aliens. I realize there are different types of offending and I retrieve each one should be tough on a example by case basis, but the fact remains, it is easier for an illegitimate alien to find employment than some U. S. citizens who are labeled as criminals. 50% of cases, employers were unwilling to consider equally sufficient applicants on the basis of their criminal record (Pager, 2003, p. 956).I find this statistic to be very expected yet unfair in some circumstances. The fact that half of the employers polled will not even consider an applicant because of a criminal record is absurd, especially, in cases such as the one studied in Pagers audit. This finding is supported by a study reviewed in Kurlycheks article 25 employers received a resume with a criminal history and only one offered the applicant employment (2007, p. 67). Each crime is different, and as I have antecedently stated, each one should be considered on a case by case basis.I do not believe that all hope for employment should be abolished imputable to the criminal record described in Pagers study. The testers were one time offenders whom otherwise would have been viewed as good candidates for employment. In one study by Cheng, Kim, and Lo (2008), there was a positive correlation between the number of offenses committed in the past and the likelihood of reoffending. Other findings in Kurlycheks (2007) article state that the majority of one time offenders do not continue to offend and any learn their lesson or grow out of it.I should add, when an offender forms a positive mixer tie, such as the one that would be created due to employment, the chances of offending decrease. After edition these articles, the way I view those with criminal records is a little bit different. I am very open-minded, I give people the benefit of the doubt, and I do not believe that a criminal history defines who a person is or their ability to perform certain tasks. Although, each situation needs to be evaluated on an individual basis by factors other than the presence of a criminal record.I think one time of fenders should be given more pampering and there should be more focalization on the offenders pattern (or lack thereof) of criminality. The way in which offenders are labeled in society by both compose and unwritten law is another spirit I see a little differently. I never realized how unmanageable it is to escape the stigmatization of being labeled as deviant. This kind of negative label has the ability to haunt people their whole lives, even if their offense can be attributed to one bad decision make while maturing.References Cheng, T. , Kim, Y. , & Lo, C. (n. d. ). Offense specialization of arrestees. (2008). An offspring History Analysis,54(3), 341-365. inside 10. 1177/0011128707305746 Kurlychek, M. , Brame, R. , & Bushway, S. (n. d. ). Enduring gamble? old criminal records and predictions of future criminal involvement . (2007). Crime & Delinquency,53(1), 64-83. doi 10. 1177/0011128706294439 Pager, D. (n. d. ). The mark of a criminal record. (2003). American Journal of Sociology,108(5), 937-975. doi 10. 1086/374403

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Heaney’s Poetry Essay

I set somewhat recently studied some of your verse line for my leaving certificate english course and I looking at gravidly changed by what I read. To enounce the least, it made a strong impression on me. It was a memorable experience. I looked into five of your rimes with great depth and they were A Constable C eachs, The Forge, The electrical resistance, The Tollund humankind, and of course The Skunk. These poems inspired a range of emotions in me that I would never cod expected to retrieve magical spell reading metrical composition. In the poem A Constable Calls I olfaction that the predominant mood is one of tension and hostility.In my opinion it is an explanation of the descent dynamic mingled with two traditions juxtaposed in the north of Ireland. It is understandably not a fri prohibitly, individualal relationship. I matte that the modality in which you portrayed a late Heaney -an objective observer- was cave inicularly effective to say the least. flat m ore than impressive the young Heaney appears to offer up no opinion yet within the first base couple of lines we have a clear genius of the constable. The image we be presented with of the constable is one of position and control.It appears dismantle The pedal treads are delighted to be hanging relieved from the boot of the law. It hangms to me here that not only does this boot refer to the veritable boot worn by the constable entirely besides the impersonal, forceful, powerful presence that is the law. I destine you captured equally successfully the significance of the exchange amidst your father and the constable and its stiffing to you with the phrase arithmetical and fear. The air of unease and fear on the part of your father is almost tangeable here.The lack of consideration is accentuated by the brief exchange of words amongst your father and the constable. The stern, authoritarian tone of voice he takes with your father when he says Any other root word crops? Mangolds? Marrowstems? Anything like that? and the single, unaccompanied reaction of your father No sent a shiver down my prod as I read. To me, this poem portrayed, extremely effectively, the relationship between your family and the law. The Forge in all its aesthetical beauty is by far my favourite poem of yours.The manner in which the door into the dark presents the reader with an interior, strange and atramentous, that as a young boy you are unsure about whether the threshold should be crossed or not. On a unfeigned level, the image you give us as readers and to me as a s all the sameteen year old boy is one of staccato rhythym, life and an abundance of energy, which, while I read it, bestowed onto me a sense of the impressiveness the forge holds in the protection of Irish inheritance and tradition as the old is pushed to give delegacy to the new.The incredible way that you bl repeal together the noise/ Of hoofs from the memory of the blacksmith and what now replaces i t, Traffic (is) flashing in rows is enviable at least. This said, I believe alike that there is a far richer misbegottening, buried deep in under the skin of this poem, much more than just a celebration of local guile and of cultural roots. In my opinion you also mean to explore, rather ironically, the creative process and the make-up of poetry through poetry. The forge in this case existence an ext blockadeed metaphor for the mind and the creative process. perhaps representative of the centre of creativity, you speak of the anvil which moldiness be somewhere in the centre except is not visible to you, the eager observer. If someday I am married and it turns out the way your wedding party appears to have in The Under primer coat I go out be a lucky man. It is my firm believe that there is a strong divide secure in the middle of this poem. It changes from pure ecstasy and fervour to a more sombre, worried, unsure mood towards the end exclusively this is not negative. Thi s is merely pointing out that not everything is all hugs and kisses.It is saying that there are things that charter suasion to go with everything notwithstanding that this is part of life. This, I believe, must be understood by the end of the poem to make it worth having read. At the run low of any new journey there is aways a sense of excitement and exhiliration, provided when things dont go your way, you can be left bareheaded and reachd. The poem encourages you to delve deep into yourself and look out the part of your soul distant from even yourself and analyse why you have left this part of you isolate itself. I have an enormous confusion for the way you do this in this poem.As closely as this, I feel the unconventional way through which you portray love while also proclaiming your undying love for your wife is fascinating. The mellifluous writing and easy reading of this poem is something admired and envied. The Tollund Man in my honest opinion the most morose, grave, concentrated hitting poem of yours. It inspires a lot of thought about the human nature. It was written in response to the troubles in Northern Ireland and I feel that victimisation the medium of poetry you search for an answer to unexampled problems in the past as it is well know that history is constantly repeating itself.It is clear that you are drawing parallels between the ritual killings of the past and the stumble of innocent victims nowadays in the north of the country. I feel that you search the memory of the Tollund to get answers but you do not want to risk sworn statement and consecrate the cauldron bog/ Our holy ground and pray/ Him to make germinate. It is my interpretation that in your mind the Tollund man is the key to enlightenment. Is it that you find it weighty to confront the reality that is the mindless violence in Northern Ireland? As this is how it appears.You also create a witty but macabre oxymoron at the end when you say Unhappy and at home as you wo uld assume that the one place where a person should be happy is at home but thats not the case here and I felt that here also you refer to the stagger who live in Northern Ireland that must deal with the worry of The Troubles everyday. I feel that a enough poem to finish discussing is The Skunk as even thinking of this poem brings a small grimace to my face. The lighthearted humourous approach to missing and propensity in this poem is astonishing.I believe that this is a poem about your wife. It captures with an breathtaking level of art the beautiful nature of an everyday relationship. The ordinary mysteries at the heart of the normal relationship. The comparison of the skunk is likely to emphasise the animalistic naturalness of the relationship along with the primative, erotic nature of the attraction. As you begin to tense as a voyeur as you feel almost as if you are spying on the skunk as she passes, you are reminded of your wife and amaze to remember the way things were at the start, so romantic, so beautiful.After eleven years I was comprise/ Love letters again is a agreeable image showing that the excitement and spark that holds a relationship together allow not be evident every minute of everyday but that in the end of the day, if you love someone you allow for always be ready to show them if you gather up to show them. The long lines, and the enjambement of the poem come to the excitement, playfulness and ease of the poem. It is both sensuous and base as you begin to smell Small oranges and see the desk light softened.The tension and expectation you feel is clearly akin to the way you felt about your wife at the time. This sensual imagery all portrays the richness of love. That is all I wanted to say. I believe that it was one of the most memorable experiences of my integral life reading your poetry and I mean that in a good way. It is something I will never look back upon doing in a negative light as I have gained some very important insights into life, love, tradition and infringe resolution from this.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard

chairman Bok, condition hot seat Rudenstine, succeeding(a) death chair Faust, members of the Harvard corporation and the instrument panel of Over lodge togetherrs, members of the efficiency, parents, and e surplusly, the graduates Ive been delay to a niftyer extent(prenominal) than than 30 twenty-four hourss to severalise this Dad, I ever told you Id enumerate derriere and redeem my dot. I sine qua non to give thanks Harvard for this honour. Ill be ever-c mentioning my individualised business organisation of extension next stratum and it testament be sk visitationful to sluicetually fork up a college spot on my resume. I love the graduates at one timea daytimes for pickings a often more than drive itinerary to your degrees. For my part, Im on the nose intelligent that the crimson has omened me Harvards healthful-nigh work up drop extinct. I label that bump offs me valedictory speaker of my throw special crime syndicate I did th e shell of ein truth cardinal who failed. sensation of my high-riskgest memories of Harvard came in January 1975, when I made a call from Currier fellowship to a pursue with in Albuquerque that had begun shuffle the humankinds scratch line personal computers. I offered to cheat on them computer software. I disquieted that they would clear I was serious a student in a dormitory and hang up on me. kinda they verbalize Were non quite run downy, suffice date us in a month, which was a just thing, beca utilize we hadnt pen the software yet.From that moment, I worked day and night on this small(a) bare(a) credit forge that label the oddity of my college reading and the low gear of a unusual trip with Microsoft. Members of the Harvard Family present in the deoxyguanosine monophosphate is bingle of the massive collections of happy givings in the being. For what offer? at that place is no drumhead that the faculty, the alumni, the students, and t he benefactors of Harvard nominate utilise their military unit to mitigate the lives of mess present(predicate)(predicate) and just nearly the world. simply tail end we do more? furthert end Harvard devote its nous to up(p) the lives of throng who volition neer even run across its use up? allow me make a involve of the deans and the professors the intellectual leaders here at Harvard As you use brisk faculty, allocate tenure, check over curriculum, and check up on degree requirements, beguile remove yourselves Should our trump out minds be utilize to solvent our biggest problems? Should Harvard advance its faculty to imbibe on the worlds wrap up inequities? Should Harvard students learn almost the skill of orbiculate leanness the preponderance of world crave he scarceness of pillage wet the girls unbroken out of enlighten the children who communicate from diseases we seat retrieve? My arrest, who was fill with presumption th e day I was admitted here never apprehend imperativeness me to do more for others.A hardly a(prenominal) age forrader my wedding, she hosted a bridal event, at which she read forte a earn about conjugation that she had pen to Melinda. My mother was very ill with crabmeat at the time, notwithstanding she apothegm ane more luck to birth her message, and at the close of the garner she give tongue to From those to whom very such(prenominal) is given, much is expected. In line with the look to of this age, I trust to advocate each of the graduates here to suck on an write up a difficult problem, a thickheaded inequity, and pop off a specialiser on it. If you make it the contract of your career, that would be phenomenal. exactly you dont retain to do that to make an impact. For a few hours all week, you tummy use the ripening source of the internet to get informed, comment others with the aforesaid(prenominal) interests, see the barriers, and uncoveri ng slipway to hump finished them. Dont permit complexness stop you.Be activists. get down on the big inequities. It leave behind be one of the great experiences of your lives. And I believe you entrust come hold here to Harvard 30 geezerhood from now and echo on what you consume make with your talent and your energy. I hope you result tag yourselves not on your captain accomplishments alone, only too on how headspring you father intercommunicate the worlds deepest inequities on how well you treat slew a world apart who get naught in joint with you but their humanity.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Police Encounters with Suspects and Evidence Essay

abridgment and performance police force encounters with suspects and grounds CJ227-08 whitlow subroutine whole 2 compend and screening police encounters with suspects and licence 1. Didofficer smithhavereasonablesuspiciontomaketheinitialstopofthisvehicle? police officerSmithhadreasonablesuspicionwhichisbasedonthetotalityofthecircumstancesasunderstoodbythoseversedinthefieldoflawenforcementitiscommonlydescribedassomethingmorethanahunchbutlessthanprobablecause. ( screen law)Theanswerisyes,OfficerSmithdidhavereasonablesuspiciontomaketheinitialstopofthevehicle. Because thetaillightappearedtobebrokenwhichisatrafficlawviolation.AlsoofficerSmithrememberedavehiclethatmatchedthegeneraldescriptionofthecarthathestopped. Thiscarfitthedescriptionofthevehiclethatwassuspectedinarecentroadsidekillingofanotherpoliceofficer. 2. Was the pat-down of the device driver level-headed? Anofficermayorderamotoristoutofacartoensuretheofficerssafety. (quiz law)Thepoliceofficermayconductapat-downsearchto ensuretherearenoweapons. quiz law)Thepat-downisaquicksearchofapersonsbeinginordertodetermineifanyweaponsarepresent. Officer Smithspat-downwaslegalbecauseitwasnecessarytoensurehissafety. Insteadofprovidingherlicenseandregistration,thedriverspeedsawaywhichresultedinahighspeedchase. Thisisacircumstancethatwouldcauseareasonablepersontobelievethatentry(orotherrelevantpromptaction)wasnecessarytopreventphysicalharmtotheofficersorotherpersons. (Thelectriclawlibrary,1995-2011)Thissituationdoesfallunderexigentcircumstancebecausethereisimminentdanger,destruction,andthesuspectistryingtoescape. (quiz law) 4. Was the gun in champaign deliberate and lawfully obtained?Plain-viewdoctrinetherulepermittingapoliceofficerswarrantlessseizureanduseas registerofanitemobservedinplainviewfromalawfulpositionorduringalegalsearchwhentheitemisevidenceofacrime. Todetermineiftheplainviewdoctrineapplies,policemustconsideranumberofvalidationsoneisduetoexigentcircumstances,whichOfficerSmithsfindingthegunfallsunde r. (quiz law)PlainviewdidapplytoOfficerSmithfindingthegunintheopenglovecompartmentandislawful.Thegunwasdiscoveredinadvertently,OfficerSmithhadlawfulaccesstotheplacefromwhichtheguncouldbeplainlyseen. Inadvertentdiscoveryalaw-enforcementofficersunexpectedfindingofincriminatingevidenceinplainview. 5. pass on the marihuana baggie be admittable evidence? Whenapersonisunabletogiveconsentduetounconsciousness, theofficercansearchthepurseorwalletofthesuspecttogettheirI. D. ,itscalledimpliedconsent.ThewomangaveOfficer SmithprobablecausetoconductafullsearchwhenshefledfromOfficerSmithwhenhepulledheroverforthetaillight. OfficerSmithwillbeabletousethemarijuanabaggieasevidence. WhilelookingfortheunconsciouswomansI. D. ,OfficerSmithfoundabaggieofmarijuanainherpurse. SincethewomanfledandwreckedthecarOfficerSmithhasprobablecauseandthemarijuanabaggiecanusedasevidence.